Household/Individual Jobs

Below are guidelines for finding Household/Individual employment.

In addition to the hundreds of great opportunities from employers listed on Handshake, there are often opportunities to find household/individual work opportunities within your community.

Places to connect with household/individual employers: 


Facebook Private Groups:

In Humboldt County, Facebook groups that may have community job postings include: 

COVID-19 Specific Guidelines

Before starting employment with a household/individual employer

  • Consider discussing with your employer what happens if they or you get sick:

    • Will you still be paid for regular agreed upon hours?

  • Ask the employer what safety measures will be taken:

    • Is the employer taking the pandemic seriously and sheltering in place as much as possible?

    • Will masks be worn?

    • Is there an opportunity to work mostly outdoors?

    • Can a distance 6 feet be maintained at all times, most of the time or not at all?

    • Has the employer traveled outside of the county recently?

Fraudulent Post Warning Signs

Here are some warning signs to look out for when evaluating a potential opportunity:

  • You are asked to give your credit card or bank account numbers, or copies of personal documents — but you get nothing in writing.

  • You must send payment by wire service or courier.

  • You are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account — often for depositing checks or transferring money. Note:  This sample is for illustration purposes only (PDF; download Adobe Acrobat Reader, if needed):

  • You receive an unexpectedly large check. Note: these samples are for illustration purposes only (PDF):

  • This is not an exhaustive list. There may be other clues, or a fraudulent posting may not conform to any of these conditions — but these are common tactics.

Scam and fraudulent postings are not limited to online job boards. Some scams are posted on physical bulletin boards around campus and may seem like they're affiliated with or promoting advocacy groups or causes that students care about.

What to do 

Contact the Academic and Career Advising Center (707.826.3341 or immediately if an employer requests your bank routing information, transfers funds into the account, and asks you to withdraw the funds and transfer them to someone else. This is an indicator that your bank account is receiving stolen money and you are being used to transfer the stolen money to criminals. Even though you may not be aware that a crime was committed, you would still be an accessory to the crime and could face prosecution.