The College Career Curriculum Committee

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Career Curriculum Committee
Morgan Barker, MBA - Center for Teaching and Learning 
Dr. Lorraine Casazza - Center for Teaching and Learning
May Patiño, MA - Anthropology
Dr. Janet Winston - English
Dr. Janelle Adsit  - English
Dr. Rosemary Sheriff - Geography
Dr. Deidre Pike - Journalism and Mass Communication
Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy - Native American Studies
Dr. Troy Lescher - Theatre
Nora Montoya - Academic and Career Advising Center 
Loren Collins, MA - Academic and Career Advising Center 
Former and Honorary Members: 
Dr. Alison Holmes - International Studies
Dr. Nicole Hill - Art
Michele McCall Wallace, MA - Art
Dr. Sarah Ray - Environmental Studies
Dr. Sarah Hart - Religious Studies 
Kathleen Lee, MA - Politics
Dr. Nicholas Perdue - Geography
Dr. David Stacey - English 
Dr. Michihiro Sugata - Sociology
Dr. Meredith Williams - Sociology
Dr. James Woglom - Art 
College of Natural Resources and Sciences Career Curriculum Committee
Morgan Barker, MBA - Center for Teaching and Learning 
Dr. Lorraine Casazza - Center for Teaching and Learning 
Dr. Beth Eschenbach - Environmental Resources Engineering 
Dr. Alison O'Dowd - Environmental Science and Management
Dr. Lori Richmond - Environmental Science and Management 
Dr. Bori Mazzag - Mathematics
Dr. Gillian Black - Wildlife, Academic and Career Advising Center 
Dr. Patricia Goley - Zoology 
Kelly Fortner - Academic and Career Advising Center 
Loren Collins, MA - Academic and Career Advising Center
Kristina Hunt - Career Adviser to CNRS, Academic and Career Advising Center  
College of Professional Studies Career Curriculum Committee
To be announced

Curriculum Resources